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growth on my bearded dragon

22 14:41:50

about 2 and a half weeks ago i noticed a bump on my beardie's head. it was slightly pink. the one bump turned into 2. the bumps are right above his left eye, therefore his "eye lid" is severely swollen. then a scab formed on one of the bumps. he is still eating regularly and behaving fairly normal. i took him to the vet, we have tried 2 different ointments. one was an anti-biotic and now i'm using a tear drop substance to soak in his skin and in his eye. it is squinty and watering constantly. the next step is an x-ray. have you ever seen anything like this? i can send a picture. please help me, i'm worried sick.

 Recently someone posted here about their beardies having lumps on the head and the back.  Her vet was thinking it was some sort of infection but did nothing.  Did your vet try and aspirate one of the lumps to culture it and see if it is an infection?  An X-ray may help to see how invasive it is.  Since this has been asked before, I would hope your vet will try and find out what this is.  And I really hope you will let me know the outcome.