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komodo dragons

22 14:42:17

are komodo dragons used to make medicine?

Since the Komodo Dragon possesses a deadly cocktail of over 40 different bacteria in their mouth to which they are immune, and is also thought to produce a venom as well; they are of great interest to science to find out what makes them immune from these deadly bacteria.

If researchers and drug companies can find out why, then there is a big potential for a new class of powerful antibiotics. That is, if someone does not try to hide this research, so that drug companies can make more money from their less effective current drugs that you need more often!

Medicine is often discovered this way by finding out what makes some animals immune to venom, or plants resistant to disease. Most medicines originate in nature, from plants and animals. It takes a drug company to find out why and synthesize it so that they can patent it to make money from something that was originally natural.

I do not think that anyone is grinding up Komodo Dragons to make Komodo Dragon medicine powder though, if that's what you mean....except for maybe the Chinese.