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Bearded Dragon behaviour and Veggie problem

22 14:25:36

Hi Ive had my bearded dragon for a little over a year now and hes roughly 17 months old and am sure he is a male. Recently hes been acting kinda sluggish and digs alot in his enclosure and when i take him out and put him on the sofa he usually tries to find a nice place to settle in and sleep!.

So am just wondering is he trying to brumate? Last year he brumated from early novemeber to early march. But is it too early for him to brumate as early as the start of september?

Also ive been trying to get him to eat veggies but he wont eat no matter what i do i put insects in there he still doesnt touch them. So just wondering is there any tips to get him to eat veggies i think he didnt eat veggies when he was younger so thats probably why he doesnt eat them.

I hope to hear from you soon.

 It's not too early to start brumating in September.  In fact he was a bit young to have started last year.  If he's of good weight and heatlthy, then let him do his thing, just offer water every few weeks.

 A baby should be introduced to salad as soon as they are out of the incubator.  Unfortunately old school thinking was that babies were primarily insect eaters.  So it probably started before you got him.

 If he is still eating, start giving him a good salad of collards, dandelions, mustard greens and turnip tops, and perhaps som butternut squash babyfood. keep smearing his snout with the squash, he will lap at it and develop a taste for it, he will start eating the babyfood and will get the greens in the process, since it is getting towards winter, stop the bugs to get him hungry enough to go after the salad.  When he's back up and around, start giving him salad in the morning, refresh it in the afternoon and only give bugs a few times a week.  And adult beardie's diet should be 90% salad.