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Gecko troubles

22 14:00:16

Hi Pam,

My 4 year old Leopard Gecko, Leopold, has been on antibiotics and dewormers for a while now due to anorexia. Currently, he is getting fortaz injections and recently ended a week-long sprint of albon.

He shed over the weekend and all was normal. Despite having a humid hide, he always has a bit of trouble with his toes, so I usually help him-- warm soak, damp q-tip, etc. I noticed, though, that right after his shed, he's developed white knots on his toes. They can be found on one to three toes on each feet. Any ideas?

On an unrelated note... I also noticed tonight that he was walking funny, and realized that his back legs seemed to be twitching. It stopped after a bit, but definitely scared me a bit. I intend to call the vet, but though I'd see if you had some advice or insight.


 Definitely have him seen.   The white knots may be bits of hard retained shed or something else that has to be examined by a vet.  Twitching can be neurological or a vitamin/mineral deficiency which can be found out with a blood test and treated.  Also, with all the medications he is on, you may be seeing side effects of the meds.  Your vet would also know that.  Good luck to you and your little friend, you seem to doing all the best things for him.