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Mixing Red Eye Tree Frogs with a Crested Gecko

22 14:28:07

I have 2 happy and healthy one year-old Red Eye Tree Frogs. I was wondering if their is a low risk of failure when mixing in a Flame Crested Gecko of the same size. I'm aware that mixing species is not the best idea but i have a 40 gallon (tall) terrarium and both animals have similar care sheets. Your thoughts/suggestions? Thank You!

Dear Dave,
thank you for your question.
I wouldn't risk it because even in a 40g, the species cannot really avoid each other and I think it's possible that the geckos will tro to hunt the frogs. Co-housing species requires really big enclosures even for small species and you should have experiences with keeping both species alone before trying it.
I hope I was of some help to you