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Iguanas abscess

22 12:00:14

QUESTION: I have two 4 year old iguanas and they both appear to have abscesses. The bumps are swelling and pink skin is visible between the scales. Jerry has one large bump on the side of the lower jaw. Gary has 2 coming out from the spikes on her neck. she does not like them to be touched. there may be a third appearing on the side of the neck. Gary has also had a build up of stiff yellow skin on her dewlap and left eye. this has caused the eye forced shut. i have been applying neosporin and her dewlap has cleared up. the eye is getting better.
back to the abscesses i have read they need to be cut open by a vet, and cleaned then filled with antibiotics. i live alone, going to school, and cant afford a vet. Is there anything i can do on my own? i herd they can spread and become internal which my guess is fatal. let me know if there is anything that can be done

ANSWER: Hello Mike,

How long have they had the abscesses?
What is your tank setup like, what are the temperatures in the tanks & are they housed alone?
Yes, if they are truly abscesses, the infection can spread leaving them very ill.  
They could be from retained shed, or another type of injury.

My only suggestion which I don't condone except in emergency situations is to try & lance & drain them yourself under sterile conditions.  I don't recommend it, but if you are unable to get to a vet, that may be your only option for awhile.
Are they eating anything right now?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Jerry has had his for about a month i only recently noticed 2 weeks ago because the bump has swelled. Gary has had her's for about 3 weeks. they are housed together, the cage is 4 by 1 1/2 by 1 feet, 2 heat rocks  1 fluorescent light and a ceramic heater. It has been around 85 degrees in my room due to the heat wave for the past month and a half. i have turned the ceramic heater off most days unless it goes below 70. They eat throughout the day. is there any recommended antibiotics or other medications that can be used. due to my financial situation i have no choice but to lance and drain myself.

Hello Mike,

Once they get bigger you will need a much larger tank for them.  
Yes, this heat wave is absolutely horrible.  
When using a tube UVB light, a bright white light really should be used.  Which brand of tube UVB is it?  There should be a bright white light being used with the tube bulb to protect the eyes.
Just a very low wattage bulb for brightness in the tank.  
The heat rocks, do they ever get too hot?  Be careful as they can burn them because they don't know to move until it is too late.
Usually, Baytril is the most commonly used antibiotics & that should hopefully help to start clearing it up.  
You can get it from here without a prescription:

Let me know how they are doing & how the lancing goes for you.
