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newly adoptedLeopard Gecko

22 13:59:43

hi! I adopted my leo from a friend of mine, about a month ago. He is 3 years old. He seemed to take well to the move, and change of enviornment. He was active and very friendly Now, over the past few days i have noticed he ALWAYS seems to be hungry, a is not as active at night- and what scares me the most, is that today I noticed that one of his feet was "rolling" under, when he walked.And also, his feces seems to have a WHITE clump at the very end, I am very concerned. here is how we have been caring for him:

- 5-7 crickets ( medium to large) every other day ( dusted with cricket feed, High in calcium and vit/D.
(crickets are fed, and given water)

- under tank heating pad (tank is 20 gallons btw)
  thermometer on warm end is between 85-90 degrees during day, and 70-75 at night.

- 2 hiding places.
- reptile carpet used for substrate
- given meal worms as a late night snack every day (loves them!)
**he loves to be out of his tank, he likes to climb on me and lay on my chest**

WHAT should I do???? I am so worried

Hello Maureen,

It sounds like he did not have adequate calcium previously.  If you are dusing his feeders several times per week, that will be adequate for him & should correct any deficiency he is going through.  That is why his feet would roll under on him, metabolic bone disease.
Your tank setup sounds fine.  I think you are doing everything correctly.  
When you are dusting, do you use calcium powder with D3?  Do you feed the mealworms 24/7?
Great you are using reptile carpet & NOT sand for him, they get impacted easily when on sand.

The white "clump" with his stools is very normal, no worries!  It is the urates or urine excretion.  They excrete solid urates or urine since they are very good at holding hydration with their specialized kidneys.
