Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > I think my BD might have ate a foreign body..

I think my BD might have ate a foreign body..

22 14:45:02

Hello, I do not know for sure, but I suspect my BD may have ate a small portion of a non toxic rubber ornament.  What symptoms would he be displaying if this were the case?  Could he possibly pass the FB if it is small enough? Are there any home remedies to assist in this?  Thank you for your time and expertise.
B. Wilson

 Just how big a piece?  Even if he managed to swallow it he may not be able to pass it and then he will become impacted. You can try a little olive oil or coconut oil in a needleless syringe to try and lube the way out, plus baby warm baths and a gentle tummy rub.  If he doesn't poop in a few days after that, he will have to see the reptile veterinarian.