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found GECKO

22 14:40:52


HELP. We're outside Austin Texas. It's been freezing at night lately. Found gecko outside in the driveway, stiff and not moving.  Brought him inside, he's now moving & definitely alive.  We are semi-rural. We see many geckos around our porches in warm weather, but not now. What would be a good TIME and PLACE to return him to the outside...or..what is the best course of action?

Hi Betty, It's actually a species of skink that you have so kindly rescued rather then a a gecko. It looks like a member of the Eumeces genus that are native to the U.S. My area of knowledge is in keeping them successfully in captivity. For excellent advice on successfully returning him to the wild (at this precarious time of year) you should really send your question to Mick ( also on this site) whose expertise would far better serve you in this situation.