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Leopard gecko (fat-tail)

22 13:34:56

My male fat-tail gecko hasnt eaten in 3-4 months. The humidity in the tank is normal, so is the heat. What would cause my fat-tail not to eat? I don't want to bring it to a vet again, since its happened before.

Hi Natalie,
What did the vet do last time for your gecko? Was it the same time before that he stopped eating?
Is you house cooler this time of year?  Many times this time of year homes are cooler as people stop using their heat and use a/c without adjusting the temperatures in the geckos cage which my throw them into a type of hibernation.
Double check your temperatures both air and floor temps. Is he loosing weight? Is he active? Pooping?
Here is a link that will give you more on the needed temperatures, etc.