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Bobby. 4 year old bearded dragon

22 13:57:35

Hello again,

I don't remember the band name of the basking light but it is 50 watt. the uvb is repti glo 10.0. we just bought the basking light and the uvb is a coil light and we have had it for over six month I believe.  
Is the bone disease curable?? what do we need to do?? Is there something we can buy??

thank you very much for everything.

Hello Melanie,

Oh, I am sorry but I hate to have to tell you this but the Reptiglo 10 coil & tube bulb are not strong enough UVB lights to give adequate UVB emissions.  That brand when it upgraded, they used the incorrect phosphor blend on their lights which made them somewhat hazardous & it did not roduce quality UVB as well.  It was not the correct wavelength to promote D3 synthesis which will affect calcium levels.
Since the UVB is 6 months old, it is best to get a new one.  I highly suggest the Reptisun 10 tube bulb, it is the best one.  You can get the light from here:
Metabolic bone disease in early stages, is reversible but overall, it is never really cured.  It is like a human getting osteoporosis.  Once you have a bit of trouble with the bones, you will always have to take precaution with compromised bones.  
I would suggest keeping him on liquid calcium, for life so he can absorb the calcium better.
Do you have anywhere to buy liquid calcium?  If not I have some liquid calcium on my site for $5.00 plus $4.50 shipping & handling, that I can send you to, or you can just send through pay pal if you have a pay pal account.  I can get it sent out immediately for you.
Make sure that he cannot climb much at all so he doesn't hurt himself.  

How is he doing, is he eating anything right now?  Is he active?
Can you post a picture of Bobby?
