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a sick bearded dragon

22 14:25:45

i am so scared. I bought a baby bearded dragon and hes cage is very clean but recently he's eye is producing clear tuff. i dont know what it is. How do i help it go away. plz help me. im so worried.

Hi Ariel

Discharge from the eyes usually indicates an infection or irritation and if this is an infection your Beardie needs to see a vet to be treated

This is not normal in Bearded Dragons-when healthy-their eyes should be bright and clear

If you have just recently purchased this animal-bring it back as it does not sound as if it is healthy

Should you decide to keep it -please bring it into a vet to be seen and treated

You can check the eye before calling the vet to see if there is a small piece of dead skin anywhere and gently remove it if you find some

Can you please describe your set-up for him/her and we can see if there might be any problems there?

I hope to hear back that everything has worked out fine for your little Dragon

Sandy aka LadyGecko