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uncommon lizard?

22 13:25:40


Topeka Lizard
Hello, I live in Topeka, KS - and have seen small lizards all around our home. In the summer, they're even known to get in the house - somehow.
My husband - who has lived here 7 years longer than I have, says that a friend told him that they came over here to Topeka somehow - but are not native to Kansas. They are very fast critters - and present from spring to fall. I managed to catch this little guy today - (this is a baby by the way), because he wound up trapped in a bowl which was sideways my dog had drained the water out of. I thought it would be an opportunity to snag and identify it.
It's got strange "fingers" and a forked tongue, plus - what looks to be little sharp teeth too. Any thoughts? thanks!

It's difficult to see details in your photo (a photo from the side would be helpful), but it looks like a lacerta of some kind.  My best guess is that it is an Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis sicula)--this species is introduced, not native. It lives in Kansas in a small area around Topeka.

The location is right, and so's the general appearance.  Plus, your husband's friend would seem to have correctly identified it as well.