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Very skinny anole

22 11:52:23

Green anole
Green anole  
We noticed this morning that our green anole was looking very skinny, lethargic and unable to open his eyes.  He typically hides in the live pothos we have in his terrarium, but the last we saw him approximately 3-5 days ago he looked and acted normal.

He is housed in a 20 gallon terrarium with a brown anole and two jewelled curly tail lizards.  The terrarium receives 12 hours of basking light and UVB light.  We are feeding them mealworms that have been gutloaded, and he has always been an active eater.  All four lizards have been getting along and are often found basking in the same area of the terrarium with very little territorial displays.

We have removed the green anole and placed him into a Tupperware container.  He is very weak and appears unable or unwilling to eat mealworms.  We have adjusted the UVB light so it is also shining upon him.  Is there anything we can do to help our anole recover?  I have attached a picture for your reference.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

What you have done is a good start you may also offer him mango baby food mixed with calcium powder and pedialyte. You need to be feeding your lizards more than just mealworms crickets and waxworks would be good for variance. Keep him separate from the others and offer very small crickets (do not leave them in the cage with him as they may bite him) and the baby food mix if he will not eat it on his own use a dropper to put some in his mouth. If after a few days he is not doing better you will need to take him to a vet.