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Very underweight leopard gecko

22 11:52:24

QUESTION: Hi Tracie, I purchased two leopard geckos 3 months ago was told they was both 5 months old and they was roughly the same size/weight- the smaller of the two has not grown at all in this time and over the past month has got worse and worse with her eating to now she is not eating nothing and weighs 5g- the poor little thing looks like a skeleton, the other Leo weighs 25g and has a very fat tail and is very lively and bright looking. I feed them black/brown crickets, mealworms, small hoppers and waxworms but she has completely lost interest in everything. I thought maybe she has internal parasites but wouldn't the other Leo be poorly too? Please help...
There set up is a 2.5ft viv with a heat pad covering just over half of the floor, they have a moist hide on the warm side and three more hides spread about, they have a 5% UVB strip light which I put on for a few hours a day and are on sand substrate. Thanks for reading

ANSWER: Hello Emma,

It sounds like they need to be separated.  Does the larger one seem to dominate her or take all of the food?  
The tank size is great, also.  Are they both males or females?
I would get a fecal done on her though just to be sure if she has parasites or worms.  Usually it will affect them both, if one has worms or parasites, but not all of the time.
Do you have a dish of calcium in the tank or dust the food?  Some geckos are terrible about eating sand & becoming impacted on it.  
Does she go to the bathroom at all?

I would separate the smaller one right now to try & get her back to health.  Get some chicken or turkey baby food to feed to her with a plastic syringe or dropper.  Use paper towels for the substrate instead of sand, too.

Let me know how she is doing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hiya thank you for your reply, the bigger one is male but they seem to get on really well the little one follows the big everywhere and even sometimes sleeps on his back! I don't think the boy takes all the food he's quite fussy and only really eats if the food comes to him, I will definitely get some baby food today- should I mix it with some dirolyte and calcium? Yes they have got a dish of nutrobal down all the time but should I switch this to just pure calcium? I have now switched to paper towel also. I was told by a pet shop I could give her beaphar wormer and this would get rid of all worms and parasites- do you think I should go ahead with this and if so should I worm both Leo's? I was told too that a warm bath would help her is this true? I can't be sure if she is going to the toilet- there is something in there corner everyday which I take out but it could be the boy although I have seen her in the corner. Thanks again. Emma

Hello Emma,

The beaphar dewormer should be fine.  I have nevr used it, but have talked with people who have used it with success.
Yes, go ahead & mix the calcium & dirolyte in with the baby food, that will be fine.  I would switch the nutrabol out for the pure calcium.  You can give nutrabol once or so, maybe twice per week.
Great, the paper towels are much better.  
You can deworm both of them, it wouldn't hurt at all.
A warm bath can help them go potty & hopefully relax them, too.  That does make it hard to know which one is going potty.
Let me know how they are both doing & how they like their baby food.
