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My beardie looks sick!

22 14:09:00

I have a 9 month old beardie. He's normally in wonderful shape and I love the little dear to death. I'm worried about him though, within the past two days he's stayed pretty much black, doesn't move much at all, not eating and has diarrhea. I haven't ever seen him like this. He maintains a well balanced diet and has proper lighting- I'm not sure what's wrong, please help me!

Diarrhea is a sign of parasites.  Get him to a vet with a fecal sample.  The vet will diagnose and treat your friend.
Then change the tank so that it can be easily cleaned everyday while the beardie is on medication.  I would also suggest getting Acidolphiliz+ by Pet Authority to replace the beneficial bacteria in his gut that helps him digest his food.  Keep him hydrated by offering him water and giving him a lukewarm bath.