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my dumpy tree frog

22 14:45:03

i found these little black larvae at the bottom of the tank in the water around his feces, i was wondering if he can get worms?

Hi Melissa, Yes, dumpys can be hosts to intestinal worms. Pinworms would be just visible to the un-aided eye. Many species live with them with no apparent negative effect but they can cause problems such as intestinal prolapses when present in large numbers. Terrariums can also attract a number of tiny harmless commensal organisms that feed on decaying organic matter. Springtails and fungus gnats are two that often find their way into moist habitats. It's difficult to say whether the organisms you saw came from the faeces or were attracted to it. Having your vet take a look at a fresh faecal sample microscopically is really the only way to be sure.