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baby lizard??

22 11:54:04

i found a baby lizard outside my house and i want to know what kind of lizard it is, can you help me? and i want to keep it as a pet but i don't know what to feed it. its really tiny so i cant feed it crickets, please help?! thanks ;)

Hi Lily,  For me to really help u i would need to know whst type of lizard you found?  If u can get it to a pet store they should be able to tell u what it can eat.  The  fence lizard lives in Tennessee.  It is a small spikey looking lizard identified by blue brilliant markings on the underside of its neck and belly. There is also the green anole which is small and bright green.And there are skinks.  I cannot identify ur lizard without seeing it.  Sorry. But i can tell u that these guys eat crickets.  Never feed  a lizard a cricket that is larger than his mouth.  Good luck with ur little guy.  Cathy