Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bloated bluish belly - Impacted?

Bloated bluish belly - Impacted?

22 11:52:59

ChiChi belly
ChiChi belly  
QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

ChiChi is about 14 months old and has usually been the healthier of the two leopard geckos I own.  I feel I provide a pretty good home for them.  Well the roles are reversed now.  I haven't really seen her eat in about 2 months.  I used to be able to drop the meal worms in front of her and she would tear them up LOL! (vicious).  She has lost complete interest in that.  I used to independantly feed them, but now I leave a couple of them in a bowl.  About a week ago I noticed her tail drastically decreased in thickness, but seemed like it got longer.  Also, due to her belly being so bloated I can see her spine protruding a bit on the top side.  I picked her up today to give her a lookover and saw the darkness in her belly.  I assume she is impacted.  She did drink some water today which seemed unusual because normally she just sleeps in the corner completely stretched out like she's loving life and relaxing.  After I examined her I rubbed her belly and it seemed like it was the best thing in the world for her.  As soon as I put her back in the tank she went over to the poopy corner and dropped one.  Dropping was runny, white, and green.  Setup is 40 gal tank, undertank heater and heat lamp.  Temp is generally 85 and humidty is 30-40%.  My other female Goku is strong as a horse with a nice fat tail.  Please help!  I am very attached to my Geckos.  Goku climbs right up my hand as soon as I put my hand in there.  ChiChi used to :(

ANSWER: Hello Brandon,

The tank setup looks good!
Do you have an undertank heater & a basking light, also?  I couldn't tell what type of lighting you were using.
The stool of ChiChi was green??  That is usually an indicator of flagelletes, amoebas or giardia.  How often do you change the water in the water dish?  Could she be eating the substrate?  Can you get a fecal done on her?
What type of substrate is in there?  I noticed it was green but couldn't tell what it was.  
They are both female geckos, correct?

They do need a warm end/spot of around 88-90 with a cooler end around 78-82.  
Could the larger gecko be dominating her?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again,

Yes I do use a undertank heater along with a heat lamp (100 watt bulb
), both are on the right of the tank. Her stool did have green at the end of it.  The substrate is reptile carpet and I change the water every other day.  I haven't found a reptile vet around, seems like there pretty rare.  Both are female and get along great.  ChiChi is still bigger than Goku.  They have grown up together since babies.  Sorry for the pic I intended to upload the one of her belly.  Also, thank you so much for your expediate response.

Hello Brandon,

I know, finding a reptile vet is extremely hard.  You can try looking on:

I would change the water out daily to be sure there is not any bacteria growing in it.  Do you think she is eating pieces of the carpet, is that possible?  I have heard of that before.  
Is there anything else which could be causing an impaction?
Do you feed them separately though or does Goku try to hog all of the food?

How is she doing today?
You can try feeding her soft foods such as canned pumpkin, chicken baby food & a drop or two of olive or mineral oil.  Mix it all together & feed it to her through a syringe or a dropper.  This can help with an impaction.
