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Water Dragon and Mountain Horned Dragon

22 13:51:49


reptile cage
Hi, I have a small female chinese water dragon and was wondering if it would be safe to house a mountain horned lizard with her. My water dragon is only about 10in snout to tail, i also know she is a female because the pet store i bought her from had her probed and i also took her in after i bought her to have her checked out by my vet and probed again to be sure.
I have a custom made cage that is 5ft tall, 4ft long and 2ft deep. so there would be plenty of room for each other. I know if i had a male water dragon there would be no way i could do this. But was wondering with a female it would be ok? Or maybe house them together while they are both small separate them wen the got bigger? I have seen people on youtube that house them together and they say there is no problems but i think you could give me a better answer.

Hi Luke,
Sorry, you can't house the two species together.  Their care requirements are different.  Its always a bad idea to house different species together.
The two species have a big difference in temperatures....this alone can harm both species.
Also, there are diseases that may be carried by one, that does not affect their own species, but can be deadly to other species.
If you want to also raise a MHD, please give her/him their own set up so that both species can live a long, healthy life.
I do want to mention that the size of your cage isn't big enough to house two water dragons, although your cage is really nice.