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gecko leo albino lizard eye issue

22 14:32:03


I took my brother's albino leo gecko in when he could no longer care for him.  I am not a reptile person, but I love all living things, and felt sorry because he didn't have a place to go.  I have had him for about 2 years now.  I think he or she is about 3-5 years old.  About 1 1/2 weeks ago I noticed that his right eye was closed and there looked like some skin coming off of it.  I thought it was maybe the last part of his shedding.  He had just molted.  But his eye still stayed closed.  This morning it was the same.  I thought maybe he had scratched it on a rock in the cage, or got sand in his eye.  But tonight it changed.  Now it looks like like a puss bubble is coming out of the eye.  Not totally sure how to describe it.  Kind of looks like the eye is popping out, but cloudy too.  He keeps licking it.  But he is eating and drinking, and otherwise acting normal.

I keep him in a ten gallon aquariam and have a lizard heating pad plugged in under about one thrid to one half of his cage.  Also there is a light that we use at night and turn off during the day. I bought it from a pet store and the bulb is especially for lizards.  It's not colored though.  He lives in our finished basement, so it is quiet and dark during the day downstairs.  

He lives on calcium sand.  He has a lizard rock that hold water, which we try to change often.  He has two houses in the cage.  One over the heating pad and one on the cool side.  

We feed him mealworms and crickets, but more often mealworms, since they are more convienent.

We don't really ever take him out.  I have little kids, and don't want the lizard to get accidently hurt.  Ocassionaly my brother will visit and take him out for a little bit.

I feel bad for the little guy because of his eye.  I'm not sure what to do for him.  I really don't want to take him to a vet and pay a big vet bill, as I didn't really want him in the first place, but also don't want the little guy to suffer.  Any advice would be great!

Thanks, Jenny

Jenny,                                                                 I am sorry to here about your leo.....first if you look on the insides of his thighs there are femoral pores a male they are raised...on a female you can see them , but they are flat....males get a waxy substance in them which is why they are raised....also if you lift his tail slightly a male has a bump on either side of the tail above the vent...where a female has one....Your baby has an eye infection and the best thing I can recommend is get him to a vet to get some antibiotic ointment for his eye right away. Good Luck, Tina