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albino gecko leo lizard eye problem

22 14:32:03


I took my brother's albino leo gecko in when he could no longer care for him.  I am not a reptile person, but I love all living things, and felt sorry because he didn't have a place to go.  I have had him for about 2 years now.  I think he or she is about 3-5 years old.  About 1 1/2 weeks ago I noticed that his right eye was closed and there looked like some skin coming off of it.  I thought it was maybe the last part of his shedding.  He had just molted.  But his eye still stayed closed.  This morning it was the same.  I thought maybe he had scratched it on a rock in the cage, or got sand in his eye.  But tonight it changed.  Now it looks like like a puss bubble is coming out of the eye.  Not totally sure how to describe it.  Kind of looks like the eye is popping out, but cloudy too.  He keeps licking it.  But he is eating and drinking, and otherwise acting normal.

I keep him in a ten gallon aquariam and have a lizard heating pad plugged in under about one thrid to one half of his cage.  Also there is a light that we use at night and turn off during the day. I bought it from a pet store and the bulb is especially for lizards.  It's not colored though.  He lives in our finished basement, so it is quiet and dark during the day downstairs.  

He lives on calcium sand.  He has a lizard rock that hold water, which we try to change often.  He has two houses in the cage.  One over the heating pad and one on the cool side.  

We feed him mealworms and crickets, but more often mealworms, since they are more convienent.

We don't really ever take him out.  I have little kids, and don't want the lizard to get accidently hurt.  Ocassionaly my brother will visit and take him out for a little bit.

I feel bad for the little guy because of his eye.  I'm not sure what to do for him.  I really don't want to take him to a vet and pay a big vet bill, as I didn't really want him in the first place, but also don't want the little guy to suffer.  Any advice would be great!

Thanks, Jenny

Hi Jenny
It is really nice that you undertook the care of this gecko

If I may offer some suggestions and some answers to your questions-

As far as the eye goes-it most likely is from stuck shed and I would try taking a Q-tip moistened with warm water and very gently trying to remove any skin and crust to get a better look at the eye itself

If it is infected/swollen/bulging-you will have no choice other than to take it to a vet for treatment

If you feel that you can no longer care for this gecko then euthanasia would be the kindest solution for the animal as the infection will worsen and get to the point where he will no longer eat and will slowly starve to death

If you decide to keep this gecko and take it to a vet and give follow up treatment(eye drops and antibiotics) than I would strongly suggest that you remove the calci-sand-it is a known cause of reptile impaction and contrary to what it states on the package
It is NOT digestible

You can use paper towels or tile to line the bottom of the tank

Next-remove the light from the tank

Albinos have red eyes are are extremely sensitive to bright white lighting

Leopard geckos need no lighting at night as they are nocturnal and any ambient room light will give them the sense of day and night cycles
You can use a small wattage red light bulb on the top of the tank for night viewing for you to see him at night when he is the most active

As far as the correct temp in the tank for him-it should read between 88 and 90 on the floor of the tank right over the uth(lizard heating pad) the air temp does not need and should not be that warm

The best thermometer to use is a digital with a probe on the end and you can find them on Ebay or in most discount stores sold as indoor/outdoor thermometers

It does not need to be a "reptile" thermometer
You lay the probe flat right over the floor where the uth is to get the "hot spot" reading and just move the probe to another area to get another temperature reading

You mention that you have 2 houses/hides for him but is one of them a "moist" hide?

This is used to aid with extra humidity during a shed

The easiest way to make one is to take a plastic container-coolwhip/margarine etc. and leave the lid on
Cut a hole in the side for him to get in and out of and place moistened paper towels on the bottom of it
Remoisten them every night(as needed) and change the dirty ones as needed

Meal Worms are fine for a diet and crickets are OK too
Since this is an adult you can substitute super worms for the smaller meal worms you can also feed superworms

You did not mention the use of calcium powder or vitamin/mineral supplements
There are needed for your Leos health

I use Repcal Calcium with Vitamin D3 and Herptivite once per week-you have to mix the two together
and I use cuttle bones for plain calcium for all of my lizards
I buy two cuttle bones(plain ones sold for birds) and rub them together and a fine calcium powder comes off

Your insects should be dusted with the plain calcium before each feeding and a small bottle cap with the plain calcium can be let in the tank 24/7 for them to lick from
You can use the calcium with D3 and the Herptivite once per week on a feeding of insects

I hope that I have answered most of your questions and if anything is unclear please do not hesitate to ask more

Good Luck with you Leo
Sandy aka LadyGecko