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Yellow liquid on poop

22 13:28:33

I have a 4month old male bearded dragon. I have had him for about 3
months and he has been perfectly healthy. This morning I went to clean
up his poo and there was a slightly yellow liquid on the white calcium part,
but it was pure liquid with no crystals. This is the first time this has
happened what's wrong with him? He's eating and drinking as usual and is
very active. Also He goes poo twice a day once in the morning and the
second when I play with him.
Thank you for your time

Hi Alex,

I don't think you have anything to worry about. Reptiles produce most of their nitrogen waste in the form of urates which is the white or pale yellow chalky part of their droppings. It is not calcium based but rather uric acid salts. This method of waste removal conserves water but, depending on their hydration level, reptiles also produce a small amount of normal liquid urine as well. A small amount of mucous with the stool is also common and normal.

Occasionally you may see that the urates are slightly tinged with yellow or even orange or red. Although red coloured urates can be a sign of more serious conditions like kidney infection or intestinal bleeding, with herbivorous or omnivorous reptiles it is often temporary and caused by the diet. Foods high in betacarotenes like carrots, sweet potato and dark greens like dandelion can all have this affect. The affect is commonly encountered by iguana owners.

This veterinary link has a couple photos with normal and abnormal reptile droppings.