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baby green tree frog

22 14:23:16

I have a new baby green tree frog and about twenty tadpoles with their back legs only. I do not know whether to let the baby go or keep it thru the winter. I am in Central Indiana and the temperature is getting down into the forties at night. Will it adapt and hibernate in time for the winter? What would you suggest is the best for it.  The tadpoles I understand may stay tadpoles for sometime and I can bring them inside.

Hi Ginger, If you hope to give him the best chance of survival I would suggest that you keep him through the winter. He is programed to hibernate in cooler weather but hibernation does take a toll on young animals and many don't survive. They just don't always have the sufficient body reserves that they need to get through hibernation. This is true of all animals that hibernate, not just frogs