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Terrapin with swollen eyes

22 13:35:23

Hi John
My terrapin's eyes were both swollen and it refuses to eat as both eyes are closed. What should I do to treat it? At the moment, I only use external aid solution meant for aquatic fishes to put into the water for the terrapin, but there's no improvement after 5 days.
Hope you can give me some guidance on this. Thanks!

I would immediately take him to a qualified herp vet.  Possible causes are infrequent water changes or a possible infection.  How often are you changing water? What type of filtration system do you have in place?  Is there a UVB light and a basking spot available?  What is the water temperature as well?  Answering these will help me to better assist you with helping the Terrapin.  The fish solution is probably not adequate for Terrapins.

John F Taylor