Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > EGG LAYING


22 14:40:22

I have a very loveable female iguana who is about 2 years old. Within the last
week or so she has been digging and acting crazy. Doing whatever she can to
get out of the cage. A few days ago I let her out and as she was sitting on the
window sill she layed an egg. ONE very big egg. I was shocked but I quickly
read up on it. My question to you is ...HOW do I know if she has more? She
has been eating again but still nothing near her normal appetite. A second
part to that question is HOW many eggs do they normally lay???? Thank you
so much! -Erin

Hello Erin,

Well, if this is her first time to lay, she may or may not have a whole lot of eggs.  Though it is not uncommon for them to lay from 20-40 eggs.  Older iggies may lay more eggs though than first time egg layers.
Do you have a laybox made for her?  I suggest that you do get one prepared so she will not retain any eggs.  That is a dangerous situation for a female to get in.  
Chances are that she does have more eggs.  Alot of times, they will not lay or finish laying unless they have a suitable place to lay & to nest their eggs properly.
I suggest getting a large tupperware bin, enough to hold at least 16 inches of dirt.  Get some vermiculite & sandy potting soil, (without any fertilizers) & mix that together until it is moist but not sopping wet.  It needs to hold up to her burrowing & not cave in on her while she is trying to make a burrow or nest.  
A few other questions.  Do you have adequate UVB lighting on her?  What type & brand of UVB light are you using, is it a flourescent tube bulb, or a compact or coil light?  Are you providing some extra calcium now?  If not, you need to do so, along with extra water.
It is imperative that you make sure she is not retaining anymore eggs.  Can you feel any or see any on her belly?

Let me know how she is doing.
