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My Bearded Dragon ate the crickets salt rock

22 11:49:27

Hi, I have a bearded dragon who I bought as a baby in January of this year.  I feed him crickets, of course, but when I was feeding him today I got startled and dropped the whole container of crickets on him in his cage.  I panicked and did the best I could, but there was a big clear rock that I believe was for the crickets to nibble at that ended up in his terrarium.  My dragon bit it, broke it in half, and consumed both halves!  Is this ok?  After eating a couple more crickets, he did this weird thing where it looked like he was trying to throw up, his mouth opened up and he was backing away, but nothing came out.  I hope he is alright, should I take him to the pet store to be analyzed?

Thank you very much!

Hello Jaclyn,

What exactly was in that rock, just plain salt or cricket feed?
If he is acting like he may throw up, you will need to try & check in his throat to make sure it has not stuck in his throat & he isn't choking.
That is a lot of salt, but he should be alright but I would give extra fluids & baths so he doesn't get dehydrated.
If he is still acting "off", I would get him to a vet in case he has a reaction to it or some of it is partially lodged in his throat, etc.  

Is he basking normally right now or tried to eat after that incident?
Let me know how he is doing.
