Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Boy+Boy=?....Leopard Geckos

Boy+Boy=?....Leopard Geckos

22 11:49:28

QUESTION: I got two baby leopard geckos more than a mounth ago and I'm pretty sure that they're both boys. I heard that two males together will be agressive, but they seem find so far and I don't want to seperate them if I don't have to. If they grow up together do you think they will get used to each other?

ANSWER: It's highly unlikely that they will not eventually become aggressive if they are both male, and when they do, one of them is bound to be injured.  However, if the geckos are babies, why are you certain that they're both males?  Leopard geckos are not sexable until they are older juveniles nearing adulthood.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I got the geckos when they babies and to young to sex thats why I got two males by mistake but now I can sex them.

If you have photos of their undersides, I can confirm if you like.  It's best to separate them before they become sexually mature and territorial, as they can cause bad injuries to one another.
Unlike social mammals, such as rats, they will not care that they've 'known' each other all their lives--as they body language matures, they'll recognize each other as male, and defend their territory, sooner or later.