Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leopord spotted gecko

leopord spotted gecko

22 14:30:48

my brother has given my dad his gecko. He has had it for eight years and has always fed it on live locust. Could you please tell me if there are other things he can feed it incase he can not get a hold of them one day. also if they will eat anything that is already dead. THANKS for your help

ANSWER: Hello Natasha,

Well, usually they eat only live food.  Very seldom will they eat dried crickets or mealies, or any canned worms, etc.  
The most commonly fed foods are crickets, mealworms, & phoenix worms.  
Wow I think that is possibly the first time that I have heard of a leopard gecko eating locust, but that is fine.  Are you in the UK then?  We here in the US cannot get them.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes i live in Scotland, Glasgow. my dads gecko loves the locust the ones that are in with it just now are quite big he has no problems in eating them. Thanks for the information my dad loves the gecko and wants to make sure he looks after it properly. Don't fancy giving it crickets just incase one got out my dad likes his sleep too much would keep him up all night lol. THANKYOU AGAIN

Hello Natasha,
Scotland, huh?  That is good he doesn't have any problems eating the locusts though.  
After 8 years, that is really good.  I hope he lives a long time.  They can live up to 20 years in captivity.
Ha, well, you can give crickets that have no wings, or that have not matured yet.  Can you get phoenix worms over there?  Or butterworms?
