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chameleon tree frog

22 14:24:29

Hi,I have a tree frog,actually a pair,and when they are on the siding of the house,which is white,they are white,but when they get on a tree,they blend right in.Just like the chameleon lizards I have here outside of San Antonio,Texas.Am I crazy or do they really change colors?I protect my lizards and my frogs from harm.I like them and am just amazed at this pair on my deck.But no one seems to be able to tell me if I'm imagining it,I'm not,others have seen the frogs,but ARE THEY CHANGING COLORS???HELP!!! haha!!
Thank you in advance,Sheree

I'm not much of a frog expert, but many herps have the ability to slightly change their coloration or contrast in order to blend in with surroundings, thus the Chameleon. Many in Texas and the south mistake the Green Anole for a Chameleon for the same reason.