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Spike my MHD

22 13:52:13

I have a Mountain Horned Dragon about two years old.  Sunday I noticed what I thought was his tail losing scales and last night when I got home I took him out of his cage and he had lost a considerable amount of scales off his tail it somewhat looks like it is actually down to the bone/cartilage.  I have pictures I can e mail if need be I am worried is this normal where he might be losing his tail because of length or could he have gotten in a fight with my male golden gecko but they have lived together since I got them with my female golden also.  Please let me know what to do should I put bactrium ointment on it or let nature take its course?

Thanks Janet

 First, get him separated from the geckos.  Species should never be mixed.  Reptiles are territorial and especially if there's a female.  Get the dragon to a vet for proper treatment, losing the tail is real possibility and was probably badly bitten by the gecko.