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my mhd laid eggs!

22 13:26:37


lizards eggs
hi my husband just recently purchased a mountain horned dragon from the local petco and she laid eggs. at first we figured the way the lizard was acting was due to us just buying her but now that im reading up on it it was just because she was about to lay her eggs but my question is what will happen if i just leave the eggs in the tank? all the site ive read have said to take them out carefully and incubate them ur slef but i have thre little kids under 4 and i dont think i would be able to give them the right care for incubation is there a chance mother nature will just take over? i dont even know if they r fertile but the pet store did say they had another mhd in the tank with this one but they had sold it. thank you for takeing the time to answer my question

Hi Teva,
It is always recommended to incubate eggs to have the best results.  Improper temperatures, environment in their cage can cause the babies to be deformed, etc..
in your situation, the best thing to do is to remove the eggs and place them in the freezer for a few days, then discard in the trash.  Don't worry, there are no babies in the eggs at this point..its the incubation at proper temps, etc that form the baby in  the first few days.
Also, she may lay more eggs in a few months..and then more after that.  You can do the same(freeze) any subsequent eggs.
Since its not easy to care for little dragons, setups, tons and tons of tiny, tiny insects, etc..your best option is most likely to freeze this batch of eggs..future eggs, you have time to plan if you want to find someone that would want to incubate them.  Has some good info on egg laying, etc..
Oh, and do be sure to supplement her with a good phosphrous added!!! Offer her as much food as she wants to eat and plenty of moving water.