Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > blue tail skink

blue tail skink

22 13:30:03

QUESTION: How to get rid of them

ANSWER: Hello Ethel,

I am afraid that I don't quite understand the question??
Are you having trouble with an overpopulation of them around your house?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes Tracie I"m having trouble with overpopulation around my house

ANSWER: Hello Ethel,

OH!  LOL  That IS kind of what I thought, but had to check.
Are they getting IN your house, or are they just around the house outside?  Are they the little small ones I presume?
Where do you live?

I don't know of any way to get rid of them per say, short of killing them which that is not right.  If you could catch some of them, you could relocate them possibly which might help to cut down the number you have in your immediate area.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They not small to me. How to kill some of them, I"m scare Istay in Savannah Georgia

Hello Ethel,

How big are they then?  The wild blue tailed skinks here in Florida are no larger than 12-14 inches grown at least most of them anyway.
They really are harmless.  
Perhaps you could call a reptile rescue or a herpetological society to come help out.
