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Baby Egyptian Uro questions

22 14:37:27

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

Hope you are doing well. Silver is doing quite well in general-just a couple of quick questions.

His tail looks all grey, as do the tops of his eye area (not the eyes themselves, but the round areas on top of his head). The rest of him is still his beautiful earth tones with some yellow spots. Do you think this greyness is a sign that he is getting ready to shed? It has been this way about 4 days but I see no shedding yet.

Also, a little while ago he was puffing up with air. I read they do this in the wild if faced with predators. Well, it is just me in the room and we get along fabulously--however I just cleaned his cage, and he had to be put in his little carrying case for about 10 minutes. Do you think the puffiness was due to stress? It happened about an hour after I was done, and he was back in his enclosure, so I thought it was an odd reaction time.

The puffiness went down after I went and sat by him and talked to him and told him it was ok.

Then I went back over to my computer, and in a few minutes I looked back and he was puffing up again.

I went back over to calm him down, and the puffiness went down again and has not returned.

What do you think?


ANSWER: Hello Jen,
Great that Silver is doing better now.  
Yes, he is getting ready to shed now, which is very good news to hear.  He must be doing well then.  
Yes, they puff themselves like that when they are upset or mad.  He just didn't like being put in the little carrying case, that's all.  I think that he was just showing his disapproval & trying to throw a temper tandrem, believe it or not.  
They are smart, & know how to get extra attention!  It worked, didn't it?  LOL
It takes them awhile to shed, by the way.  Is he eating really well now?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

Thanks so much! It's funny, right after I wrote, he shed a patch just over his eye. I was so proud of him! it was kind of hanging off and he rubbed it on the enclosure was and got it off. :)

Ha ha, that is too funny. He usually doesn't throw temper tantrums--maybe he is in his baby uro "terrible two's" stage. Yes, he is eating fabulously now!

He doesn't like squash or peppers, but he LOVES all the healthy greens-and he did munch a tiny bit of zucchini and a few flower petals. We are still feeling out the treats/extras, but he is loving the greens. I seriously think he loves that color in general, considering zuke is the one non-leafy he ended up favoring, and that of course is green!

He munches a little bit on his birdseed too but not too much, which is good, he leaves mostly all the room for his greens. ;)

Thanks for your help!


Hello Jen,
Great that he has begun shedding now!  I figured that he would soon.  Oh he probably is in his terrible two stage!  LOL  They sure have a personality though don't they?  
That is good he at least loves the good greens & some zucchini a little bit anyway.  Do you use any lentils for him?  If you do, just cook them until they are soft & that will supplement his diet with some vegetable proteins.
