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22 13:27:42

Hhey for the past week my green iguana has lost his need for wanting to eat his color is now starting to change an he is groing weaker by the min, his cage is clean an is cleaned every other day as so is he . befor the week this started he was a healthy 4 4 1/2 pounds bout 3 1/2 to 4 foot still as long but looks like he went on a crash diet. I need help he is to yung to go an I wanna try an save him spikes needs your help he has the hunger foor food but wont eat..

Hi David,

A complete loss of appetite combined with rapid weight loss is really something that a vet needs to be consulted about. There are just too many potential causes for those symptoms and not knowing the cause will make the problem almost impossible to solve. It could be anything from a bacterial infection to kidney failure.  

This link can help you find a vet in your area that is experienced with reptiles

You mentioned that you keep his cage quite clean, which is good, but a bit more information about his environment and diet would be helpful, as well as how long you have had him before this started. I'll just go over a few of the basic requirements for their care. There is more info at this link:

Reptile appetites are very temperature dependent and a cold iguana will not eat or even move around very much. He needs to have a basking spot temperature that is in the 95 - 100F range to properly digest his food and to allow his immune system to fully function.
His diet should be primarily leafy greens like collard, dandelion, escarole and kale with a smaller amount of vegetables and fruits. Some owners make the mistake of offering cat or dog food which iguanas will eat (unfortunately) but this will eventually lead to kidney damage and other problems.
Iguanas also need calcium added to their food on a regular basis. Calcium deficiencies are very common with captive iguanas and one of the common symptoms noted is the inability to eat or climb.
If your iguana has not been eating then he is likely not drinking and has become dehydrated as well. Keeping him hydrated is critical to his recovery. If he is still holding his head up then try soaking him in a few inches of barely warm  water to encourage him to drink. You could also drip or spray water over his mouth.

I wish I could give you more specific help but I really think this is a medical situation and the sooner you can find the cause for this change the better his chance of survival. Good luck.