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ID a small snake

22 14:18:07


small snakes
While building a compost bin in our back lot, I found 4 of these small, beautiful snakes under a large cinderblock, in the dirt, partially buried, probably hibernating.  I live in the high desert, Antelope Valley, CA.  I am fairly certain it is some kind of worm or earth snake, but I can't find one like this online.  The skin is VERY SMOOTH, and shiny.  It does seem to have very small eyes, though kept moving while I was trying to take a picture of it's head from the side.  The largest one is about 8 inches, and  almost the width of a pencil.  They are a silvery/VERY pale green on top, and a yellow underneath.  They have stripes going the length of the body.  Their heads come to a point, to dig I assume.  The pics I found online  of small worm snakes have a rougher look, a rounder head, and bigger eyes. I took some pics, and put them back in their soft dirt, and mounded the dirt a bit higher, since their cinderblock has been moved.  Can you help ID these snakes?  I have more than one pic if needed. Thanks!

Hello Danielle,

First I would like to thank you for such a descriptive question, it helps more then you know.

I am not too familiar with snakes but that is okay as I think these are actually "Legless Lizards"

I know, it sounds odd doesn't it? A lizard without legs would seem to be a snake wouldn't it? Well according to science they have everything a lizard does just without the legs and the only similiarity to snakes is their looks. It's confusing.

I am almost positive that this is the animal. The colors and patterns vary widely but the body and head shape say it all.

I hope that helps