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My leo gecko pooped blood!

22 13:29:39

I have 2 leopard geckos and I got them last week. They are male and female. A mating pair. My female, Bonnie, may be pregnant. Well the person we got them from says she may be. Bonnie pooped out soft long poop (pardon the word poop and details) and next to it was a spot of blood. Is this a bad sign? Oh, she also has a bulge right before her tail starts. Is this a bad sign too?

The bulge is that on top or the bottom before the tail?  It could be she strained too hard.  I would make sure she access to clean water as this may be the cause is dehydration.  If it doesn't happen again I wouldn't worry too much but the bulge is something I want to follow up on so please let me know where exactly its at so I can better determine what it is and a photo would be great if you can get one of the bulge.