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Veiled Cham eye infection

22 14:10:04

Hi, I have had my veiled's for just over a year.  My  male has had no problems at all but my female developed her 2nd eye infection.  The first time I got it taken care of myself by cleaning it out regularly etc.  This time it isn't working.  I need to find some kind of antibiotic probably both topical and oral to clear her up.  I have no vets near me that know anything about exotics so I am sort of on my own with this.  A little on their care:  Large well ventilated reptarium (seperate for each about 6 foot by 3 foot-not glass tank) I gutload my crickets with greens, fruits, vegtables, fish flakes, oatmeal, vitamins, wheat germ, etc.  I rotate what I feed them to vary the diet of the chams.  I dust the crickets about every 2 weeks with calcium/vitamin powder.  I have UV lights (I have about 3 different varieties at varying distances on each enclosure) I have basking lights.  I just don't know what I can do any different to fix this!  I feel awful and want to get her cleared up and healthy.  Both chams appear healthy in every other way.  Good boy weight, bones nice and well developed etc.  HELP!

Hello Victoria,

Your setup sounds very good.  What UVB lights do you have?  What is the type & brand it is, a flourescent tube bulb, a compact or a coil light?  What are the distances from her of the UVB lights?
They are housed together, correct?  
You can get some Terramycin which is an antibiotic eye ointment from here:

Chamelions are prone to vitamin A problems, & are sensitive to deficiencies.  What type of vitamins is she on?  Does it include a little vitamin A?  
The crickets should be dusted with calcium 3 times per week, & 1 time per week with vitamins.  She may have a calcium or vitamin deficiency.  Females sometimes have higher demands for supplementation because of their egg laying capacities.

Let me know how the eye ointment works.  You can also try using an herbal tea bag such as chamomile, moisten it & warm it up & place it on her eye at night for a few minutes to soothe her eye.
