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Brumation while on vacation

22 13:58:53

QUESTION: Hello Pam, we have 2 bearded dragons Spike and Moby in the 6-9 year range, while we were on vacation Spike went into hibernation -brumation mode which freaked out our caregiver.  Upon our return I am a bit concerned because its still warm in the Boston area and Spike's tail seems a bit gaunt and not as full as it should be. I have read all of your posts and another 2 hours or more of other information on Brumation, so we will be taking Spike to a rep vet to get checked.  I was wondering if you could shed any light on ways to tell if normal brumation is occurring or the beardie is sick and in need of medical care.  I have read KTosney's site

And noticing dark circles under the eyes or a change in the gums is not something that is going to work for me, with a sleeping dragon.  If you could shed any light on this it would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER:   Temperature is not so much a factor in reptile brumation as the natural circadian rhythm of the earth which may have undergone a change several years ago.  Florida dragons have gone into brumation as early as August!
  You have older dragons, in fact the 9 year old should be checked by a vet more often as he is reaching his golden years in beardie lifespan.  Yes, there are beardies that have reached 16-17 years old, but the average is 10-12 for well bred dragons and less for pet store dragons.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Its a good thing we went to the vet, Spike has an impaction and it was not Brumation.  Baby food, baths and medication are the recommended treatments, hope things work out.

 I am happy you went to the vet, too.  It is always best to get definitive diagnosis and treatment by a reptile veterinarian first.  I have always said this in practically every answer I give.  I'm always happy to hear from and/or help truly responsible pet owners, and you fit the bill!