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Gecko feeding

22 14:01:23

My mom is trying to feed my gecko seven crickets a day i tell her that its too much and 4 would be just enough my gecko.i've had my gecko for 3 months and 2 days so she isnt really that old and i dont think i should let her have that many crickets a day.What is a proper food schedule for her?

Hello Liv,

Well, how large is the tail?  If the gecko is younger than 1 year, feeding daily is usually a good idea for growth & development.  I normally monitor the tail base & the weight to ensure overfeeding doesn't occur.  
The feeding can be tapered down once she hits 1 year but right now, she does need a bit more food when she is growing.  I would say 4-8 crickets, daily should be adequate, or you can give a few crickets & a few mealies daily.  She will eat what she wants & if she is not hungry she most likely wont eat.
