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whites tree frog with reddish underbelly

22 14:28:23

We have recently had a loss of two frogs in three days so I went and
purchased a new terrarium and removed the remaining frog into it in a new
location (Thursday). Today(Saturday) my daughter was looking (not touching)
the frog and asked why she was pink on the bottom. The whole underbelly
has a pinkish cast to it that I do not recall seeing before. I am very paranoid
right now and am trying to determine if it might just be stress from the move
or if it could be red leg, and what to do if it is red leg. Please help us out. We
don't want to lose more friends and we are leaving for vacation tomorrow.

Hi Lee, I don't usually like to recommend anything other then over the counter topical antibiotic treatments until a vet can be consulted; however, finding a vet that will see amphibians is difficult at the best of times, finding one on a summer Saturday night even more so. Desperate times call for desparate measures and the recent deaths  of your two other frogs combined with this symptom would fit that description. Aquarium supply stores stock the antibiotic tetracycline as a fish medication and a related antibiotic (doxycycline) is often used in cases of red leg. Soaking your frog in a water and antibiotic solution may help, tetracycline is also a safe antibiotic compared to many others. Make sure your frog has access to a warm spot in the tank of 85 -90F. The warmth will naturally boost his own immune system. I hope this advice reaches you soon enough. Good luck.