Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Is my Bearded Dragon Ok?

Is my Bearded Dragon Ok?

22 14:10:13

QUESTION: I've had my 2 year old Dragon for 2 1/2 weeks w/ all the recommended ligting, temperatures, etc. His prior owner said what a great eater he is, but I feed him the same thing (crickets, superworms, collard greens, apples,banannas) and some days he won't eat at all. He also went a whole week w/out a bowel movement. When he finally had one, it was very large, runny, and smelled bad. He was also raising his back claws and limping last night. Is he just stressed being in a new environement, or does he need to see a vet?

ANSWER: Hello Heidi,

Well, he will be going through relocation stress most likely at that age.  However, he should be starting to calm down soon.
If you could just go over your tank setup with me, so I can make sure everything is correct.  
As an adult, they may not eat feeders every day.  He will only need 40-50 feeders per week, but greens, veggies daily if he wants them,  & a little bit of fruit a couple of times per week.
Could he be a little dehydrated?  Can you post a picture of him so I can see him please?  Thanks.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Tracie! I think you hit the nail on the head regarding possible dehydration. We watch him and hold him alot because we're so facinated with him, but I had NEVER seen him take a drink in over 2 weeks. Last night I set him in his pond and he drank like crazy. Since then he had another bowel movement and happily ate his greens this morning! I really appreciate your insight and input. We just love this little guy so much that we want him to be happy & healthy. I feel much better about his disposition now and know in time he'll get used to us and love us as much as we love him! His name is Spike and I've posted photos as you requested.

Hello Heidi,

Spike is a very handsome man!  :-))  
Great that he drank so much during his time in the pond.  You know, you can get a plastic eye dropper & train him to drink from it.  Really it is not hard but takes just a little patience.  He will get used to drinking in that manner because they don't usually drink water on their own.  
It sounds like he is feeling much better now & he even ate his greens, too.  I hope you have alot of years with him.  He will definitely love you, they have such a wonderful personality that is incredibly unique.  I am happy that you are enjoying him, also.
