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bearded dagon

22 13:54:15

My dragon went so sleep late october and is now awake. As soon as we turn it's light on it she just keeps crawling the wall of the enclosure trying to get out.Just pacing and climbing. (We are worried she may hurt herself,)When we let her out she walks around for a few minutes then finds a place and goes to sleep. Any suggestions a what to do so she will be satisfied in her cage. And we will be going away for a month. Can she be tricked into going back into brumation some say yes and some say no. I don't know her age but she is 18" long. the enclosure we have her in is 12"X 12" by 30" long, is that large enough for her?

 Sounds like she is out of brumation and if her metabolism is back up, and she is eating, drinking and pooping again, you can make her dormant in the dark for a few days, but not a month.
What you are describing is a normal adult beardie.  I suggest that you ask her vet if he has boarding, some do, if you don't have someone to care for her.  You could also inquire about boarding with someone in the local Herpetological Society.  Now if you are going somewhere by car that is pet friendly, you could also think of taking her with you.  All you need is a soft sided pet carrier, a baby blanket, and some heat packs for traveling, and an Apogee mesh cage that is collapsable, along with her lights for when you are at you vacation destination.
 What you describe is a 20 gallon tank, much too small for an 18" dragon.  She needs a 30 gallon breeder cage at least  18"X18"X36".