Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Beardy


22 14:08:57

I have a had a bearded dragon for about 8 years now. He has
always been a little strange with the timing of his
hibernation. He went to sleep late december this year and
woke up about 2 weeks ago. He has eaten some lettuce but no
worms. He isn't staying on his branch that has the heat
light above it(He never comes of that branch normally.) Is
this normal behavior for him after sleeping for 5 months to
not eat?

Hi Hannah, There can be quite a range of normal behaviours for dragons around brumation. I think it comes down to what is "normal" for that particular animal. Some wake up with a voracious appetite while others take a while to gear back up to a normal eating pattern. Your dragon is in his senior years now so that may be affecting how quickly he bounces back from such a long brumation. This is not going to sound very helpful but all I can say is that after 8 years (of obviously good care) that you know him best. If he does not perk up in both behaviour and appetite in the next few days I would suggest having at least a post-brumation fecal test done on him just to be on the safe side.