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crocodile geckos and water dragons

22 14:26:28

We got a crocodile gecko about 2 weeks ago and wanted to get him a friend so we went to the local pet store (PetSmart) and they told us the crocodile geckos don't get along with anything but one of their own.  We then went downtown to another shop who only deals in fish and reptiles and he told us that the crocodile gecko is fine with other species so we got a water dragon who is about 4 inches long.  This morning our water dragon was dead and I am wondering if we made a bad decision to put the two of them in the same  habitat or if maybe the water dragon may have been sick when we got him.  My daughter was so sad and we do not want to make any more mistakes.  What do you think.  I would really appreciate any input you can give me.  Thank you...

Hi Barbara,
PetsMart was an extent.  With many reptile species, they don't even get along with their own species.  Most reptiles are better off being housed alone.
Its sad that so many stores only want to sell the reptiles with so little correct knowledge of the species.
I am so sorry you had to find out the hard way.
With the two species, their care needs are also being nocturnal and the other is diurnal...right there is a very stressful situation for both species.
Here is a very good link where you can see all the different care needs of the two that the store said is "fine" to house together.
Its best all the way around to house only ONE reptile per cage and never mix species.  When there are reptiles that can live together(same species) never house two males, they will fight til death.  Always be ready to separate even females or male and female.