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Wild Gecko needs help

22 14:34:40

Hello Tracie!  I am in the Keys this week and there is a Gecko on our porch and I think he is sick.  Of course wild Geckos run from you and this one just moved it's head.  I thought it was odd so I went over and it let me touch it, so I'm pretty sure he is sick.  I put a little bit of bottled spring water next to him but he isn't drinking it.  He has been in the same spot for hours and looks "white".  Is there anything I can for him?  Thanks Lori

Hello Lori,

Where in the Keys?  We lived in Key West for 4 years.  It is beautiful there, but expensive.
Yes, most definitely, if he is not running from you.  Are you sure that he is not shedding though?  
If you are not sure, I would get a tall plastic bin that he can't escape from & put him in there with some type of heating, or a heating pad with a towel in between him & the heating pad.  
Otherwise, if he is sick, a predator will most likely get him.
What color is the gecko?  Is it a large house gecko?
