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firebelly toads

22 14:43:10

At what age do firebelly toads start laying eggs that will hatch?

Steven,                                                      I did some research on this. They say they need to be about 2 yrs old.You need to cool them at  about 45 degrees and add 2 inches to their water level. Sould be around 4 inches. You need to do this for about 6 weeks to induce breeding. You female will  lay eggs on plants and anything else they will attach to. Your eggs will hatch in 5- 7 days and metamorphose in 5 to 6 months. You tadpoles are cannibles so they should be housed in small numbers in a few tanks. You can feed them color enhance tropical fish food to ensure natural ventral color. Thye will reach adult size in 18 to 24 months.Good Luck, Tina