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Habitat Fragmentation

22 15:10:56

How does habitat fragmentation effect reptiles?

Hi Tiffany,
Habitat fragmentation affects reptiles much the same way that it affects all other species.
The natural order of things is disrupted to the point of permanent changes being made.
Some will adapt, while others will simply vanish. Some of the effects are very subtle, while
many can be observed while occurring. This will vary from place to place.
I live in the state of Florida, USA. When I was young, I had a pet Indigo snake that I caught
in my back yard. They were all over the place. Today, as a result of habitat fragmentation,
there are almost none left. The ones that are left, are protected by law as an endangered
species. You cannot keep one. This is but one example of the effects that are taking place.
If we do not do anything about this, one day my Grandchildren will have to explain to their
children what reptiles WERE in much the same way we talk about the Dinosaur.
Thank You. I hope this helps. Edmund Brown [ReptileEd]