Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > no kidding!!!

no kidding!!!

22 13:59:18

QUESTION: well the only bird that would actually try to get him is the family of roadrunners that lives in the neiborhood.they are the meanest bird ive ever seen!!!they're pretty big to.i had one following me to the bus stop one day(creepy)and i already think that the lizards are a few months old.but the sand that you get at the store wont even cover the bottom of a 75 gallon tank.

ANSWER: Hello Olivia,

Yeah, I knew someone that had their dragon on their shoulder & a hawk literally swooped down & grabbed her dragon right off of her shoulder!!  How horrible, that would suck.  
Unfortunately, birds of prey are just doing what is innate to them.
Good luck with the sand.  Are you getting it from Lowe's or Home Depot?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: im getting the sand from h-e-b plus and that wuold suck i mean what would you do in that situation!?!i would probly start to cry.

ANSWER: Hello Olivia,

Ok, that is fine.  Just wash it & sift it to make sure it doesn't have any sharp objects or rocks, etc in there & that it is clean.
Well, there isn't anything you can do if that happens other than cry.  Those birds are so fast that you wouldn't even see it coming until it is too late.  :-((


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok but what does "sift" mean exactly?and that bird was chasing me yesterday!!!i was running as fast as i could!

Hello Olivia,

The term sift simply means that they got out any impurities, larger particles, or possibly sharper particles to make the sand more evenly laid out according to size, texture & feel.  I suppose it is for quality control because people use it for children's playsand so it needs to be safe.
