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Bearded Dragon hurt tail

22 13:57:29

I have a female bearded dragon who is about 10/11 years old. Three days a go she fell off her tree branch (which has happen before with no injuries not that high up) she usually gets back up and climbs right back up but this time she fell on her back and cut her tail in a few spots. Well being over concerned I took her to the vet to get her checked out. The vet is telling me we have to amputate her tail because she has an infection of some kind. I am so confused how could she developed an infection so quickly. The vet is suggesting she may have already had an infection in tail already. After the vet saw her he took her to the back and the tip of her tail fell off and now her tail is open with the bone of tail poking out. The vet didn't want to close her up because of the infection. My next step is to bring back for the surgery I am concerned is this the right decision the surgery is going to cost $559.00. Can her tail heal on it own with proper antibiotics meds and cream.Does this doctor know what he is talking about? I had a hard time finding a vet that could even see a bearded dragon in my area.

 You have a precious little old lady there, and if the tail tip fell off, there just could have been an infection present.  I would go to and find out where the reptile vets are as you seem unsure about this one.  Also is a goos site for reptile vets, but the first site are vets recommended by other reptile owners.  Not closing the wound because of infectiion is the right call though, it should drain.  But if infection is creeping up that tail it should be removed.  Be sure though, dragons like many reptiles are not good with anaesthesia.